- I’m going to use today’s podcast to offer my take on last night’s Presidential Debates
- Which certainly did not live up to all of the hype and expectation
- But the airwaves today are filled with opinion makers proclaiming that Trump won or Hillary won
- And of course, all of the people who think Trump won, these are the Trump supporters, Republicans – their guy won
- And Hillary supporters are proclaiming that Hillary won
- I’m going to give you a different take because, clearly, (and if you don’t know this by now, if the choice is between Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, I would choose Trump)
- Yet despite the fact that I support Trump over Hillary, I think Trump really blew an opportunity with this debate
- I know in some cases there were some low expectations with respect to Trump, and did he exceed those low expectations, I don’t know
- I expected more from Donald Trump; I was disappointed
- I think he should have mopped the floor with Hillary Clinton
- She gave him many opportunities, she teed it up for him over and over again
- And he didn’t even take a swing
- In many cases, not only did he not try to hit the ball, he whiffed
- I wish he had paid me to help him with debate prep because I would have told him exactly how to handle Hillary Clinton
- I’ll start off by giving one simple example, where he could have made lemonade out of lemons, but chose to hand Hillary and issue which I’m sure she will use against him
- This had to do with his comment in an interview over 10 years ago that pregnancy is inconvenient for employers – which of course, it is
- And Hillary Clinton said: “Donald Trump, you said that pregnancy was an inconvenience for employers”
- Instead of owning and embracing that comment, he backed away from it and denied having said it
- One of the big issues is that Hillary is a liar
- If Hillary is a liar, don’t tell lies, yourself
- Trump has to be honest to exploit Hillary’s lack of honesty
- And of course, Hillary can easily make a commercials – she’s got tons of money to produce commercials and run them –
- Saying that he never said that pregnancy was inconvenient for employers and juxtapose that with a clip showing him saying that pregnancy is inconvenient for employers
- This didn’t have to happen
- Trump should have owned this
- First of all, one of the things that people liked about Trump is that he is not politically correct – he speaks his mind
- Why not continue to speak your mind? Why pretend that pregnancy is not inconvenient for employers
- Just because some woman might be offended
- I give women more credit than that
- I think most women realize that pregnancy is inconvenient for employers
- Even female employers! This is not a male/female thing
- If you are a woman employer with female employees and one of them gets pregnant, it is inconvenient for you, too
- For big business, major corporations, maybe you have plenty of other people to pick up the slack
- But where pregnancy is really inconvenient for employers is with small business
- Now Hillary claims she cares about small business
- OK, if you care about small business, can’t you admit when things are inconvenient?
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