Listeners’ Questions, Peter’s Answers Audio – February 21, 2014
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Mike from Paris, TX
If China keeps all the gold mined within China and even imports more- then how are China Panda coins made and sold into the United States?
Rajinder from London, GB
I would like to ask you, do you believe it is a good idea to invest in stamps? – U.S & British stamps originating from around 1880 onwards.
Anders from Stockholm, Sweden
I intend to invest in rental properties in Sweden and Spain. If we see a crash within a couple of years as you predict, would my be investment be safe in those markets or would in a bank account?
David from Atlanta, GA
Wouldn’t it make sense that in a debt based economy that deflation would be bad since it increases the degree of debt over time? Inflation is good so that the debt is worth less over time.