Putting The Trump Controversy Into Perspective – Ep.202

  • The most highly anticipated presidential debate in history is over and to me, the anticipation was more like a highly-promoted professional boxing match
  • Right away, as soon as the debate was over, CNN comes out with its poll, showing Clinton badly beating Donald Trump
  • And I thought that, if this were like a prize fight, the ref’s would have stopped the fight in the first 20 minutes
  • That’s how badly Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in this debate
  • And then you see this poll coming out saying supposedly that Clinton clobbered Trump
  • What debate were these guys watching?
  • Like you see a fight and the decision goes totally against what you saw, and you think, “Aha, the fix is in”.
  • I think for CNN, the fix was in
  • They badly wanted Hillary Clinton to win this debate, and so  I think Hillary was going to win this debate according to their poll, regardless
  • I think anybody who watched the debate objectively is going to conclude that Trump won
  • I was pretty critical of Donald Trump’s performance in the first debate
  • And while, I didn’t think this one was perfect, I think were a couple of things I would have liked for him to have said
  • But I am armchair quarterbacking this, from my living room; he’s there, live
  • But I think he did as good a job as possible and I think he advance his standing
  • But before I even get into the debate, I want to talk about the elephant in the room, which was the 2005 Access Hollywood tape that everybody is talking about
  • In fact, it really let Hillary Clinton off the hook from issues that should have been addressed on her end
  • Regarding leaks from her Wall Street speeches, that Bernie Sanders kept demanding that she release, and, if she had, Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic nominee at this time, and we would have a very different debate
  •  I want to address this topic in a way that no one else is addressing it
  • I’ve mentioned my position on Facebook and I have noticed that I have lost some fans as a result of my candor
  • But I am going to elaborate on my defense of Donald Trump
  • I am not defending what he said
  • His words were indefensible, and I do not condone his crude language
  • I am putting this conversation into its proper context
  • This is being portrayed as a revealing hidden contempt for women and that he is abusive to women
  • No it doesn’t
  • This is a private conversation that Donald Trump had in 2005 with a much younger guy, Billy Bush – about 33 at the time and Donald was 59
  • He is having a private conversation, not knowing that his mic was live nor recording
  • He was doing a cameo for “Days of Our Lives”, and this conversation was not meant for public consumption
  • More importantly, look at the scene that Donald Trump was there to shoot
  • This is a scene where the actress is throwing herself sexually at Donald Trump
  • She comes onto him in a major way
  • Trump is standing there, ignoring it
  • This is the scene Donald Trump is about to shoot
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