October 2012

Inflation: Washington is Blind to Main Street’s Biggest Concern

Journalists, politicians and economists all seem to agree that the biggest economic issue currently worrying voters is unemployment. It follows then that most believe that the deciding factor in the presidential race will be the ability of each candidate to convince the public that his policies will create jobs. It seems that everyone got this

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China, Japan, Bullion, Real Estate and Bubbles

Listeners’ Questions, Peter’s Answers October 12, 2012 [youtube class=”center” id=”HOXNSCUBNpI”] [separator style_type=”single” top_margin=”5″ bottom_margin=”5″ sep_color=”” icon=”fa-play” width=”” class=”” id=””] Ankang from Beijing China Will China’s market break down before the US market does? KÃ¥re  (Kerry) in Copenhagen, Denmark You mentioned that economies of countries will prosper from deflation, if for example a country returns to

China, Japan, Bullion, Real Estate and Bubbles Read More »